
Project Report 30/05/2019

This week I handed in my project, recorded myself playing all three of the levels and wrote a report about how I made the game, how it is different from my original planned game and what went wrong while I was making the game.


This week I decided to make it so that once the bullet hits the enemy they will be instantly deleted. Because of this, I have decided to make there be more enemies in each stage rather than there being fewer enemies in each stage. While I was working on my project today the game stopped working and wouldn't play. It was because every prefab that was assigned to an object was removed such as the enemies targeting the player and the camera following the player so I fixed that and the game started working again. Another issue that I had was that for some reason my player would lose the ability to shoot. I quickly found out that it was because my firepoint had gravity set to it so it fell through the map. I fixed it by setting the gravity scale to 0. Another issue with my shooting is that the bullet wasn't firing from my fire point, they were instead coming from off-screen, no matter which way I faced it kept firing from off-screen behind my player.


This week I changed the player's health bar to a UI element since I could figure out how to take damage and get the health bar to deplete. I moved the placement of the UI health bar so that it is always positioned above the player's head. Because of this I'm also removing the health bars from enemies and making it so that the bullets that the player fires will knock back the enemy.


Today, there was a glitch that prevented me from being able to play my game. Eventually, I realised that it was a compiler error and to fix it I needed to add a 2DRigidBody to all of the fire points which allowed me to play the game.


This week, I made the basic level design of the remaining two levels, although I might add some more obstacles to increase the challenge of the stages and might change the backgrounds to make the levels look more different from each other. Aside from that, I also fixed a glitch with the death zone so that it kills you when you fall below the platforms across the entire stage rather than just the beginning of the stage. I also made a basic title screen for my game that was made with UI elements. The title screen has two buttons, one that will bring you to the first level and another one that will quit the game, I am planning on making a button that takes you to a level select. 


This week I finished the layout of my stage and set the end of the stage so that when you reach it then you will transition into the next stage that has been created by walking through a hallway. I have also started to create the next stage and have already made an endpoint of the stage where it will transition to the third stage. Aside from that, I have changed the first stage so that you can't attack in it and you have to run to the end without being killed and made it so the second level is when you will be able to attack enemies.