Unit 71: Assignment 2
Unit 71: Assignment 2 Object-Oriented Modelling Object-Oriented Modelling is a construction of code in a way that it makes things happen depending on the order of the code and the properties it has. In our game I have used Object-Oriented Modelling in several different ways with the coding in my game, I have done this so that I can improve on my game by adding things that real games would have (e.g. Health bar, enemy AI). Unreal The coding in Unreal is used by connecting pieces of code which helps the user modify the game to have more depth to it. Whenever there is an error in the code the engine will label the piece of code that is causing the error so you know what to change. The coding that I used in Unreal was the visual appearance and not the lines of code because of how the visual makes it easier to see and connect the code. I put in a health bar the filled up as the game was playing, I did this by putting in several pieces of code into Unreal. This code not only...