Pre-production techniques for the creative media industries
Pre-production techniques for the creative media industries Self financing Self financing is when the a person is making money to finance themselves instead of having someone else fund your game. The reason people would do this is if people have enough money to fund their game and don not require additional funds from another company and do not want to pay another company to fund their game and be forced to share their profits. Indie funding (Indie fund, Gameslab development fund) Indie funding in where an indie company will pay money to help fund your game (if they are interested in your game) and they will receive a share of the profits made by the game's sales. Some examples of websites that use Indie funding are: Indie fund and Gameslab development fund . Crowd funding (Kickstarter, IndieGoGo etc.) Crowd funding is when a company (often indie) ask people to donate money to them so they can make the ...