
Research Exercise
Unit 78: Digital Graphics in Computer Games
A pixel is by technicality not a small square but it looks a lot like one, a pixel is technical a point sample it only exists at the one point that contains the 3 primary colours with different amounts of each colour.
Picture resolution
Picture resolution is the quality of the image. Picture resolution is the image when the original image has its size reduced and the image will increase or decrease the amount of pixels are used for the image. The more pixels are used the better the quality. The bigger the image the more pixel there are.
Image resolution
Image resolution is the quality of the image. The difference between Picture resolution and the Image resolution is the amount of pixels that can be viewed at a time, for example if an image has a resolution of 1 by 1 it would be visible but if it was 10 by 10 it would become visible but would be low quality then if it is 50 by 50 its quality becomes much better and if it is 100 by 100 it's quality looks like it would be on a website. Cheating resolution is where the image is made to look smoother. 
Image Intensity is the Pixel values. Pixel values determine the colour of the pixel. A single pixel is a 1-bit number that indicates either the foreground or the background. The most common pixel format is the byte image, where a number is stored in an 8-bit integer in between 0 and 255 (0 means its pure black and 255 means its pure white).

Picture Element

A picture element is a physical point in a raster image, or the smallest addressable element in all points. It is the smallest resolvable rectangle area of an image, either stored on screen or memory.


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