Unit 6 - Assignment 2 - Task 2 P4 Analysis of a computer game

Unit 6 - Assignment 2 - Task 2
P4 Analysis of a computer game

GioGio's Bizarre Adventure is an adaptation of the fifth part of the now 30-year-old manga series, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, this game was released on July 22nd, 2002.

Analysis of the game

GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 5 Vento Aureo/Golden Wind) has tried to adapt the art style of the manga and it works really well, with most people consider the game's visuals gorgeous and a good representation of the manga's art style, though people have noted that the environments look blurry up close. The game has a nice Italian styled soundtrack with good voice acting and good sound effects. The game follows the plot of the manga so it has stages where you only fight a boss fight with different characters these, boss fights also have secret factors which are little events that you can do to get a bigger health bar, these secret factors are based on things that have happened in the manga (E.g. attacking a certain object, using your powers in a certain way, avoid attacks). This game was one of the first games to capture the style of its series, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, the game also has very little conventions that 3D Beat 'em ups have, due to the only enemies you fight are boss fights, there are very little combos and the multiple playable characters that play completely different to each other (E.g. Mista only uses his revolver and actually has to reload and Narancia is able to fully control Aerosmith and has the radar to find the opponent).

Narrative Structure

The game follows the plot of the manga with somethings taken out (Echoes, Soft Machine, Kraftwerk, Baby Face, Metallica and Rolling Stones are not in the game at all) but aside from that, the game follows the manga's story faithfully.

The story starts in Italy, 2001, where the main protagonist and son of Dio Brando (the main villain of the series), 15 year old Giorno Giovanna, is being interrogated by Leaky-eye Luca, a high ranking member of Italy's biggest mafia gang, Passione, where Giorno uses his Stand (A physical manifestation of his spirit and willpower gave form that acts as the users guardian angel and is fully controllable by the user, they don't have personalities with some exceptions but can only go so far from the user. Also any damage a Stand takes the user also takes and Stands can only be seen by other Stand users), Gold Experience (A Stand that has the ability to turn anything into a living being an example being when he turned a suitcase into a frog and has the ability to heal living beings though it causes severe pain to the person being healed), to put Luca into a coma.
The next day Giorno is confronted by an officer of Passione, 20-year-old Bruno Bucciarati, who is asking Giorno about Luca's assault, Giorno claims to know nothing but Bruno figures out that Giorno was the one who did it by sneaking Luca's eye into Giorno's hand which causes Giorno to freak out, Bruno the fights Giorno with his own Stand, Sticky Fingers (A Stand that has the ability to place zippers on any object that Sticky Fingers attacks, this can either make a pocket dimension for Bruno to hide in or split apart the object by unzipping it), after Giorno wins, he notes that when Bruno replaced his arm he did it with the of a kid with a drug addiction with drugs from Passione, Giorno notes how deplorable this is and he notices that Bruno feels the same way, so Bruno agrees that they will work together to take down the unknown leader of Passione, Diavolo, to stop the drugs being smuggled to kids.
Bruno tells Giorno that the only way to join Passione is to speak to a man named Polpo, a member of Passione who gives Giorno a test, the test is that Giorno has to keep a litter that Polpo gave him, lit for an entire day and return it to Polpo the next day, while Giorno does a good job at this an old janitor accidentally spills water on the litter which puts out the flame, the janitor notices that the litter can be relighted by pushing a button on it, however this causes Polpo's Stand, Black Sabbath (A Stand that activates once the litter is relight, once this happens it grabs the person who relight it's soul and then pierces them with the Stand Arrow, an arrow that if someone is pierced with the have the ability to gain a Stand or die, another ability it has is that it can physically interact with shadows but if Black Sabbath is pulled out of a shadow it takes damage, it is also an Automatic Stand which means its user doesn't take any damage that the Stand takes it has an infinite range and the user cannot see what the Stand sees), to activate which grabs the soul of the janitor and pierce the Stand Arrow through his head and due to him not being able to have a Stand he dies, it then tries to give Giorno a Stand by piercing him with the Stand Arrow but after he notices Giorno has a Stand he tries to kill him, after Giorno defeats Black Sabbath he returns the litter to Polpo, who welcomes him into Passione but Giorno is not satisfied that the janitor was killed, so Giorno turns on of Polpo's banana into a gun, so when Polpo eats it he shoots himself in the head which kills him and destroys the Stand Arrow Black Sabbath had.
Giorno is then welcomed into Bruno's squad, which consists of 21-year-old Leone Abbacchio, 18-year-old Guido Mista, 17-year-old Narancia Ghirga and 16-year-old Pannacotta Fugo, all of whom are Stand users but do not wish to reveal their Stands, they are tasked with escorting 15-year-old Trish Una, to her father, the boss of Passione, but she is being hunted down by several traitors of Passione who wish to use Trish as a way to get to the boss because nobody knows who he really is.
Narancia is sent out to get supplies for the gang but he finds a member of the traitors of Passione, who are part of a squad called 'La Squadra di Esecuzione/The Execution Team', Narancia runs into Formaggio and his Stand, Little Feet (a Stand which if it scratches its opponent they will begin to shrink and can do shrink its user so he can hide), Narancia fights back by using his own Stand, Aerosmith (a Stand which can fire missiles and machine guns, it also has a radar which tracks carbon dioxide from anything that emits it), Formaggio is killed when Narancia blows up the area he is in.
After killing Formaggio, they receive a message from the boss who tells them they need to find a key in the ruins, but they are intercepted by another member of La Squadra di Esecuzione, who goes by the name Illuso and his Stand, Man in the Mirror (a Stand which can drag people into the 'mirror world' where Illuso can choose what they bring into the 'mirror world', like their Stand), Illuso drags Fugo into the 'mirror world' which leaves his Stand, Purple Haze (a Stand which has three capsules on each hand that if broken release a flesh-eating virus which kills anyone in thirty seconds but this virus is weak to sunlight) in the real world. Illuso then tries to drag Abbacchio into the 'mirror world' but it turns out Illuso had dragged in Abbacchio's Stand, Moody Blues (a Stand that has the ability to repeat events that have already happened by transforming into someone and replay the actions they did, however when Moody Blues is transformed it cannot protect its user), after Illuso drags in Moody Blues he tries to escape the 'mirror world' but he runs into Purple Haze, which breaks one of the capsules on its hands which begins to eat away at Illuso which kills him.
After getting the keys at the ruins they are told to pick up a turtle at the Naples train station and to board the train heading to Florence, the turtle who is named Coco Jumbo has a place where the key can be placed which activates his Stand, Mr President (a Stand which allows other people to go inside of its user as a way to hide from their opponents), after they hide inside Coco Jumbo inside the train, two members of La Squadra di Esecuzione enter the train, Pesci and his Stand, Beach Boy (a Stand that is a finishing rod which can phase through objects to try and 'fish out' its opponents vital organ), and his older brother Prosciutto and his Stand, The Grateful Dead (a Stand which rapidly ages everyone around the user with the only way to stay young to have a low body temperature, it can also age its user so he can disguise himself), everyone inside the turtle aside from Mista, Bruno and Trish begins to age rapidly, so Bruno and Mista go outside to fight their opponents while Trish keeps everyone's temperature low, Mista goes out to attack Pesci with his Stand, Sex Pistols (a Stand that has six people the size of a bullet, who all have different personalities, which deflects the shots it's user takes to different locations and add more pressure to the bullets), Mista investigates the train until Prosciutto grabs Mista which causes Mista to rapidly age and Prosciutto shoots Mista three times in the head but Sex Pistols stops all of the bullets from going too far into Mista's brain so Mista doesn't die, which leaves it up to Bruno to defeat the two brothers, during Bruno's fight Prosciutto, Bruno knocks Prosciutto off of the train moving which causes Prosciutto to land on top of the wheels of the moving train, despite this he still uses his Stand to fight but he hasn't got much time left, Pesci to stop the train to save his brother where he has to fight Bruno on his own, after their fight Pesci grabs the turtle to kill Trish and the rest of the gang, who are still inside but Bruno attacks Pesci with Sticky Finger, which separates Pesci into pieces before he falls into the water where he drowns.
After killing them the boss tells them to find a disc which reveals the location of the boss so they can drop off Trish to her father, but Mista and Giorno are attacked by one of the members of La Squadra di Esecuzione Ghiaccio and his Stand, White Album (a Stand which lowers the temperature of everything around the user to absolute zero and the Stand acts like armour for its user with the only opening in the armour being the breathing hole in the back of the neck), Mista fights Ghiaccio on top of the moving car before it crashes into the river where Mista makes it back on land, Mista then forces Ghiaccio on a spike he made from a street lamp but Ghiaccio knocks Mista out which leaves the finishing blow to Giorno, Giorno uses Gold Experience to stomp on Ghiaccio till the spike pierces his neck.
After Ghiaccio's death, Giorno finds the disc and it says that Diavolo is on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore where asks that Bruno and Trish leave the boat but everyone else stays on the boat, once on the island Bruno and Trish take a ride in an elevator to Diavolo until Trish disappears which causes Bruno to realise that the only reason that Diavolo asked for Trish to be delivered to him was so that Diavolo could kill her and remove any evidence that can be used to tie the two of them together, Bruno chases after Diavolo to save Trish where he meets Diavolo and his Stand, King Crimson (a Stand which can erase time which causes everyone else's body to continue what they were doing except its user until the erased time ends and everyone else is confused by what had happened, he is also invincible in erased time, King Crimson also has Epitaph which can see five seconds into the future with one hundred percent accuracy), but all Bruno can see is a figure in black, when Bruno went to attack Diavolo behind the pillar but Bruno had attacked himself before Diavolo uses King Crimson to punch Bruno through the chest which mortally wounds him, Bruno manages to escape with Trish before dying but Giorno manages to heal Bruno's body, however, all this does is give Bruno some more time since Bruno's body is still decaying and Bruno doesn't need to eat, breath or sleep and he can't feel pain, after they arrive back to the boat Bruno and Giorno tells everyone that they are betraying Passione and are going to fight Diavolo, Bruno asks who is going to stay with Passione and who is going to betray Passione, Abbacchio, Mista, Giorno and Narancia all help out Bruno to help take down the boss but Fugo stays with Passione and wishes to convince everyone else to stay as well but they don't and they leave him behind.
After they leave the island the gang go to an airport to find a plane to take them to Sardinia so that Abbacchio can use Moody Blues on a picture Diavolo took with Trish's mother so they could identify Diavolo, while on the runway one of the members of Passione, Carne, runs at them before Mista shoots him and kills him which activates his Stand, Notorious B.I.G. (a Stand that activates on its users death it is un-killable, it goes after the fastest moving thing in the area but always moves faster than it and it attacks its enemies by eating away at them), Notorious B.I.G. injures Giorno, Mista and Narancia but they manage to throw it out of the plane, Bruno moves Giorno, Mista and Narancia into Coco Jumbo and goes to tell Abbacchio the news about Notorious B.I.G., but Notorious B.I.G. makes back on the plane and is with Trish in the cabin of the plane but Trish manages to use her Stand, Spice Girl (a Stand which can soften anything to make it indestructible because of the elastic consistency anything softened cannot be broken or pierced), with this she traps Notorious B.I.G. in a closet and goes to tell Bruno about what she's learned about the Stand until Bruno tells her to walk towards him slowly, she turns around to see Notorious B.I.G. has grown to the size of the plane's cabin, Trish makes it into the cabin and detaches it from the rest of the plane which causes Notorious B.I.G. to fall into the ocean where it would chase waves or any boats moving too fast.
The gang then makes it to Sardinia where Abbacchio uses Moody Blues to try and uncover Diavolo while the rest of the gang are on the lookout for any other members of Passione, Bruno and Narancia run into the dead body of Risotto Nero, the leader of La Squadra di Esecuzione, who was just killed by Vinegar Doppio, Diavolo's alter personality who thinks that he is the second in command of Passione, Doppio then uses King Crimson to kill Abbacchio, while wearing an outfit he stole from a kid he knocked out and sewed his mouth and eyes shut, before he can see Diavolo's face, Abbacchio then uses Moody Blues to head butt a cement wall to leave an imprint of Diavolo's face before he dies, everyone then goes to check on Abbacchio to see that he has been killed.
The gang begin to look for records of people who have the same face, but they are called by an informant who tells them Diavolo's Stand ability and about the 'Requiem Arrow', a Stand Arrow that evolves Stands with abilities that they need at that moment, which the informant has, they are then told that they need to meet up with the informant in the Colosseum in Rome.
When they make it to Rome the gang is attacked by Ciocolata and his Stand, Green Day (a Stand which has the ability to make moss grow on any living being as long as its user is at a higher altitude, the higher he is the more moss grows until the body starts to break apart, it can also split apart its user with moss but he is still able to control his body parts and put his body back together with no negative repercussions), and Secco and his Stand, Oasis (a Stand that acts like armour for it user, which can liquefy any material he touches so he can swim through the ground like it was water, he can also throw the liquids so when they get far enough away the become solid again to attack his opponents), Ciocolata gets in a helicopter while Secco stays underground, Mista shoots at a building near the helicopter and Giorno turns the bullet into a tree which grows from the building which attaches to the helicopter which stops the helicopter from moving, Ciocolata attacks and injures Mista and Giorno has to beat Ciocolata, Giorno manages to beat Ciocolata but he takes Mista and Coco Jumbo hostage, Giorno stops him from killing them by turning a bullet that had hit Ciocolata earlier into a stag beetle, which gives Giorno enough time to attack him which sends him flying into a garbage disposal truck, meanwhile back Bruno fighting Secco, Secco gets a message from Ciocolata who tells him about the informant in the Colosseum who knows a way to beat Diavolo, so Secco makes his way to the Colosseum, Bruno defeats Secco by stabbing him in his ears with two metal bars which makes him deaf, but after this he takes someone hostage, this hostage is Doppio, but neither Secco or Bruno know this, Bruno uses Sticky Fingers to make a hole in Doppio to attack Secco which knocks Secco into the garbage disposal truck that Ciocolata fell in, despite Bruno beating Secco his body has reached its limit,he can barely stand up and he can't see non-living things he can only see souls of people around him, Doppio uses this to his advantage because due to him being Trish's father he has a similar soul, so Bruno mistake Doppio for Trish, who Bruno takes to see the informant.
Once in the Colosseum, the informant is revealed to be Jean Pierre Polnareff (a member of the main group in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders), who has taken severe damage when investigating the Stand Arrows when he was attacked by Diavolo, who stabbed one of his eyes out, cut off his legs and one of his hands, Doppio then switches to Diavolo, revealing his true face, Diavolo tries to kill Polnareff to get the 'Requiem Arrow' but Polnareff tries to fight back with his Stand, Silver Chariot (a Stand which uses a sword to attack its opponent, it also has armour which allows it to take more damage but the armour can be removed so that Silver Chariot moves so fast that it can be in six different places at the same time), however during their fight the 'Requiem Arrow' pierced Silver Chariot, which began to turn it into a 'Requiem Stand' but Diavolo uses King Crimson to punch through Polnareff and grabs the 'Requiem Arrow', but Silver Chariot evolves any way into Silver Chariot Requiem (a Stand that puts everyone in a mile radius to sleep and switch their soul with another living being that feels asleep, it also makes Stands that get too close attack their user, it also makes any Stand that is affected by its abilities stronger, it can also regenerate any damage it has taken, the only way to defeat it is to destroy the light that is emitted from behind you however that light is your soul so destroying it will kill you), which begins to move away from Diavolo while holding the 'Requiem Arrow', Diavolo tries to stop him but he begins to fall to sleep, along with the gang in the colosseum.
Everyone wakes up but they are in different bodies, Giorno and Narancia switched bodies, Mista and Trish switched bodies and Coco Jumbo and Polnareff switched bodies, Polnareff explains Silver Chariot Requiem abilities and how he found the 'Requiem Arrow' before they are interrupted by Diavolo entering the area but it is just Bruno in Diavolo's body which means that Diavolo is in Bruno's dying body, Bruno tries to grab the 'Requiem Arrow' but Sticky Fingers attacks Bruno because of Silver Chariot Requiem's ability, while this is happening Bruno's body gets up and on Bruno's command Mista shoots Bruno's body in the leg so he can't chase them, however, King Crimson erases time yet they don't see King Crimson by Bruno's body which means someone else is in Bruno's body, but during the erased time, Narancia, who was in Giorno's body, was found impaled on the steel bars of a gate, before Giorno switches back to his own body, he heals it in an attempt to save Narancia however Narancia is already dead, Polnareff figures out who's in Bruno's body, Doppio is in Bruno's body due to him being a separate personality so Diavolo's body had two souls one of which went to Bruno's body, before they leave the Colosseum, Doppio dies in Bruno's body because Bruno's body has already decaying.
Once they make it out of the Colosseum, they find Silver Chariot Requiem, Bruno trips over Silver Chariot Requiem, but Giorno realises that Stand users can't pick up the 'Requiem Arrow' without their Stand attacking them, so Polnareff due to being in Coco Jumbo body, whose Stand has no physical form, picks the 'Requiem Arrow' and tries to pierce Sticky Fingers but Silver Chariot Requiem tries to attack Polnareff to protect the 'Requiem Arrow', when Mista tries to shoot Silver Chariot Requiem his gun breaks, while they are trying to get the 'Requiem Arrow', everyone in Rome is having their body begin to mutate, which puts the gang on a time limit, while they are chasing Silver Chariot Requiem, Giorno deduces that Diavolo is in one of their bodies since Mista's gun broke because it was broken by force and not general 'wear and tear', with Gold Experience Giorno is able to sense spirits in people and is able to tell if someone has multiple spirits and they find out that Diavolo was in Mista's body, Diavolo then uses Mista's body to get close to Silver Chariot Requiem and he figures out its weakness is the light that comes out from behind you, Diavolo damages the light and grabs the 'Requiem Arrow', when Diavolo tries to pierce his Stand with it, the 'Requiem Arrow' phases through King Crimson because Bruno destroyed the light behind which kills Bruno but also stops Silver Chariot Requiem's effect, sending everyone back to their original bodies, Giorno then picks up the 'Requiem Arrow' and pierces Gold Experience with it so it transforms into Gold Experience Requiem (a Stand that has all the abilities of Gold Experience and the ability to keep the nullification of cause and effect, where any actions made against the user will have never happened no matter what), to fight Diavolo in their final showdown, however every move that Diavolo makes is nullified by Gold Experience Requiem and Giorno beats down Diavolo to win the fight, but instead of Diavolo being killed, due to Gold Experience Requiem's ability, Diavolo is forced to experience multiple different painful deaths for all of eternity with no chance of escape, he is eventually driven insane by the constant death, to the point where he begs a harmless little girl to stay away from him.
After the defeat of Diavolo, Giorno swears to protect the 'Requiem Arrow' and to protect what his friend fought and died for, Giorno becomes the new head of Passione, by claiming he was Diavolo the entire time, with Mista, Trish and Polnareff by his side as high ranking members of Passione.

Overall, I think the story of the game does a great job at portraying the story of the manga while removing some of the minor filler that was necessary to make a good video game plot. The reason I think the plot of the manga is good is because it manages to have a likeable cast of characters, that all have backstories that explain why they act the way they do, go through several scenarios of opponents with crazy abilities that pose as threats to our main characters while they are constantly getting closer to bigger threat that might be even bigger than the heroes but they are still willing to fight because of their own morals. The story has good pacing, never stopping in one place for too long. The story also has the guts to kill off major characters that have been in the story throughout most of the plot. The story has an overall message of fate and overcoming one's past, with all the main characters have bad lives before he joined the gang yet they do not let it define them as people as they try to fight fate and try to make a world they can live happily, whereas the main villain, Diavolo, is someone who tries to ignore his past by killing anyone who is tied to him and by blindly believing that he was chosen by fate as he follows his fate while also denying the possibility of his own death since he often states that he is immortal.

Representation of Characters

The main characters of the story are the gang of heroes: Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo and Trish Una, and the main villain of the plot, Diavolo.

Giorno Giovanna being the son of both the main character (Jonathan Joestar) and the main villain (Dio Brando) means that both he has the kindness and willpower that the main character would have and the ruthlessness and cunning that his father, Dio Brando, has. In Giorno's backstory, we learn that he was neglected by his mother and abused by his step-father, which is similar to Dio's backstory. The reason Giorno wishes to become a member of Passione is that when he was young he saved a member of the mafia and he repaid him by making him friends and threatening his step-father into being a good father.

Giorno's backstory explains why Giorno has several traits that real people who suffer from child abuse have like being a good liar and being able to analyse other people's emotions. The reason Giorno is so trusting to the members of Bruno's gang, despite the fact that most people who suffer from child abuse generally don't trust people, is because of the person Giorno saved when he was young helping Giorno and becoming his ideal father figure, someone who will protect the innocent, this also taught Giorno to have more faith in other people since they might be able to help you. Despite all of Giorno's achievements, he is still only fifteen years old so he freaks out when things happen around like one of his friend dying and him being put into a scenario where he wouldn't win on his own. Giorno is ruthless to his enemies, every opponent that Giorno fights, aside from Bruno, dies in some painful way.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul, so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Gold Experience's ability to give life to objects and his healing ability shows Giorno caring nature and if those objects that have been given life take damage the damage is reflected back to the person that damaged it which shows Giorno's hatred for innocent life being harmed.

Bruno Bucciarati being the partner to the main character has a lot of detail placed into his character. In Bruno's backstory his parents were getting divorced and he had to choose who he would stay with, his father (who was a boat owner who lives in a simple village) or his mother (who lives in the city), Bruno choose to stay with his father because he knew that his father would get depressed from loneliness and he knew his mother would remarry so he would never see his father again, Bruno's father worked hard so that he could send Bruno to school so he could get a good education, after a while of living with his father, one day Bruno's father rented a fisher boat to some customers but they forgot the fishing rods, so he went to go and give them to them but it turns out that the customers were drug dealers making an exchange and they shoot Bruno's father multiple times for stumbling on their trade, his father was wounded and put into the hospital and one night, one of the people who shot him was going to kill him but Bruno killed them and swore he would protect his father, however this put a target on Bruno, so Bruno joined the gang, which gave him protection, however Bruno's father was killed and Bruno knew that the gang was involved as a way to keep him away from his father.

Bruno's backstory explains why Bruno hates the drug trade in Passione because it was the reason his father died and the reason why he hates Diavolo for trying to kill his own daughter and why he respects Prosciutto for using the last of his strength to protect his younger brother since Bruno puts a family's bond with each other above all else. Bruno acts upon what he believes to be righteous and his own natural kindness whether it be staying with his father when he was young or fighting against Diavolo to protect Trish. Due to Bruno hating the drug trade in Passione he is often conflicted by his own moral code and job as an officer. Bruno has shown to care about those not a part of Passione, he warns Narancia about the mob lifestyle before he joined and he constantly protects Trish and reassures her that her father will love her before they meet Diavolo. Bruno has a lot of violent tendencies to his enemies, he kills one of the people who injured his father in cold blood and when he tries to beat down Giorno in their first encounter he refers to it as a torture session.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul, so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Sticky Fingers is able to cut someone into pieces while not harming them which is Bruno's way off stopping an opponent quickly and efficiently, which leaves them open to get information out of in any way, including torture.

Leone Abbacchio being one of the main characters has a lot of detail placed into his character. Abbacchio's backstory is after Abbacchio graduate from high school he became a police officer, he decided to be the symbol of peace and justice that a police officer should, but Abbacchio knew that the general public was trying to exploit the police and claim that the police aren't doing their job but Abbacchio just accepted it as something that came with being a police officer, one night Abbacchio ran into a man working with a prostitute, when Abbacchio tried to arrest them the man explained that he just wanted to help the girl pay off her father's debt and he offers to pay Abbacchio to 'look the other way', Abbacchio is conflicted because he knows if he arrests them then they would just bribe the police and judge to get free, so Abbacchio takes the bribe, believing he did the right thing. Later on, someone reports that a man is breaking into an old man's home, so Abbacchio and his partner investigate and split up, Abbacchio finds the thief and it is the man working with the prostitute, the man tries to pay Abbacchio another bribe but he refuses, then the man brings up the fact that he will tell everyone that Abbacchio had taken a bribe from him already, while Abbacchio is distracted the man pulls out a gun and tries to shoot Abbacchio but his partner bursts into the room and gets shot instead of Abbacchio, but his partner managed to shoot the man which left Abbacchio alone in the room. Abbacchio believed that the reason his partner died was that of the karma that Abbacchio took a bribe from a criminal, Abbacchio is haunted by this and his life loses all meaning so he joins Passione so he can take orders from someone because it allowed him to forget everything else.

Abbacchio's backstory explains why he is such a distrusting person because he knows how the common folk don't trust those that work hard. Abbacchio is a mindless slave for Passione because he wishes to forget his past and everything wrong he did. The reason Abbacchio follows Bruno after betrays Passione may be for so that he can be absolved of his crime since Bruno fights for such a noble cause.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Moody Blues is able to replay history but is unable to change it, which is the ultimate irony for Abbacchio, Abbacchio is someone who cannot forgive himself or forget what he's done and he was given the ability to look back into the past and replay events without the ability to change the past. Another thing about Moody Blues is that it is the perfect Stand for a detective but he got it after he stopped being a detective and joined Passione.

Guido Mista being one of the main characters has a lot of detail placed into his character. Mista's backstory is that in his teenage years he wanted to live a normal, carefree life, without any complicated, whether he gets rejected by women who he was just greeting kindly or if he had to spend a few nights in jail for stealing money from someone he still enjoyed his life, however that changed when he saw a man beating up a woman, when he beat the guy up, the man's friends showed up and pulled a gun out on Mista, but every shot the made missed Mista, Mista took them from the guy he beat up reloaded it and got two perfect heads shots on the other two guy, all without being shot once, however due to Mista not having any injuries nobody believed that had acted in self-defence so he is found guilty and is sentenced thirty years in jail until Bruno heard about what skills that Mista had with a gun, so he uses his influence in Passione to change the verdict so Mista can be free which causes Mista to join Passione.

Mista's backstory explains why he is always the most relaxed member of Passione because of the way he wished to live out his life however he has loyalty in Bruno since he helped him when he betrayed Passione, he trust Bruno because he saved his life and gave him a second chance which is why he never minded joining Passione. Despite Mista's carefree nature, in a fight Mista acts with all the cunning and experience a gangster is meant to act with however his calmness can only last so long as shown by how he was panicking when Diavolo was attacking the gang during their fight with Silver Chariot Requiem, Mista only ever taunts his when he knows he has the upper hand and is about to win. Mista has a big case of Tetra-phobia (the fear of the number four) he shows this when he panics whenever he is surrounded by the number four but he also makes subconscious decisions to avoid the number four, an example being when Bruno asks if anyone is going to join him to fight Diavolo, Mista goes on the boat after Abbacchio making him the fifth person on the boat.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul, so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Sex Pistols counts up from 1 to 7 but ignores the number 4 because of Mista's fear of the number, the Sex Pistol that is supposed to be number 4, which is 5, is constantly nervous and being bullied by the other Sex Pistols because of his actual number. The ability that Sex Pistols have to reflect bullets is a shows Mista's reliance and skills with a gun. The fact that there are only six Sex Pistols shows that Mista prefers his revolver to any other type of firearm.

Narancia Ghirga being one of the main characters has a lot of detail placed into his character. Narancia's backstory is that when he was young, his mother died of an eye disease, after this Narancia's father began to neglect Narancia, after a while Narancia stopped attending school and spent most of his time around his friend's house, one of his friends convinced Narancia to dye his hair blond, claiming it was the latest trend, the next day Narancia was arrested for breaking into an old woman's house and assaulting her, Narancia realized that his friend made him dye his hair so that Narancia would look like him so he would be blamed, Narancia went to a reform school for a year, the police had been beating Narancia which had given him an eye disease similar to his mother's which had caused every one of Narancia's friends to abandon him in fear of catching the eye disease, however Narancia was most afraid of dying because the eye disease is what killed his mother, so Narancia gave up on life at age fifteen, Narancia ran away from home and was alone until Fugo ran into him and gave him a meal and treated his eye disease, when Narancia awoke in the hospital that had treated his eye, he saw Bruno and begged him to let Narancia work for him, Bruno refused and said that Narancia should return home, however Narancia wanted to work for him, so much so that Narancia found out how to join Passione and worked under Bruno from that day forth.

Narancia's backstory explains why he cares about friendship so much and why he trusts the members of Bruno's gang so much. Despite Narancia missing out on a lot of his education, he is really smart in combat scenarios, like when he figured out which reading on his radar Formaggio was because Formaggio's weight was weighing down the rat causing it to breathe more which made a bigger blip on the radar. Narancia skipped out on most of his education but he is willing to learn this is shown when he asked Fugo to teach him and by how he said he wanted to go back to school despite what people think of him. Narancia is quick to anger which is shown when other people make fun of his lack of education and when anyone attacks him. Narancia is actually the nicest member of the group to his friend which shows that he truly values friendship above all else. Despite Narancia's being a good combat strategist, he is the most reckless members of Bruno's gang, he often acts before thinking about his actions which often gets him in trouble.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul, so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Aerosmith's radar covers Narancia's right eye, which was the eye that was infected, which shows Narancia pleasure in using it since it works again and his fear of it getting infected again.

Pannacotta Fugo being one of the main characters has a lot of detail placed into his character. Fugo's backstory is that he was born into a wealthy family that had made all of their money through shady deals and was willing to hold onto any title to make themselves look good, Fugo worried his for most of his life about 'if all the great people have achieved worldwide recognition, what is there left for me to achieve?', this fear mixed with his intellect left him with a lonely childhood however these fears were put to rest by his grandmother, the only member of his family he cares about. Due to Fugo's intelligence he was at a university level education by age 13 and he studied University Of Bologna, the oldest operating university in Italy, one day his grandmother passed away and all Fugo wanted to do was attend his grandmother's funeral but he was stuck in university with a test, a test he failed after he heard about his grandmother's passing, when one of his professors asked why he failed the test, Fugo told them about his grandmother's death, the professor told Fugo that he was being childish and he needed to grow up, after that Fugo grabbed a nine pound dictionary and beat the professor to near death, because he had angered him to the point where Fugo thought that this man could never be forgiven and this was the only course of action that he could take. Due to this Fugo doing this he expelled from the university, he was disowned by his family and he was thrown in jail, until Bruno gave him a choice, stay in prison or join me as my level-headed second-in-command after this Fugo joined Passione.

Fugo is someone who has always had anger issues, like when he stabbed Narancia in the face with a fork for failing multiple times to answer a simple maths question. Despite Fugo's anger and loneliness from his childhood, he considers everyone in Bruno's gang close friends (Fugo is the reason why Abbacchio and Narancia joined Passione), this is shown when after Bruno says that he is going to betray Passione and everyone else agrees he begs them not to go since this could get them killed or worse. Fugo, despite his anger, always makes level-headed decisions which is why he didn't betray Passione with Bruno. Despite how good Fugo's Stand, Purple Haze, is Fugo hates it because of how uncontrollable it is with its virus able to affect anyone including Fugo's friends and Fugo himself.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Purple Haze always has an angered expression on his face which shows Fugo's anger. Purple Haze's ability to make a viral infection is based on how Fugo knows so much about the human body from his time at the University Of Bologna.

Trish Una is one of the main characters has a lot of detail placed into his character. Trish's backstory is that she grew a relatively normal life with her mother, Donatella Una, until her mother died of an illness when Trish was 15, after this happened Diavolo saw that Donatella had his child without him knowing about it, so he used Passione to find her and had her dropped off with Bruno's gang who would drop her off to Diavolo where he could kill her without anyone using her DNA to track down Diavolo and figure out who he really is, along the way Trish is being hunted down by La Squadra di Esecuzione and eventually Diavolo and Passione themselves.

Trish's backstory explains why she acts confused by what's going on and why she panics about what is happening because she is completely new to Stands and their powers. At first Trish acts cold around Bruno's gang because she doesn't trust them because they are members of Passione, Italy's biggest mob, but after Bruno comforts her after she panics about all the people trying to kill her, she warms up to the group, eventually risking her own life to save one of Giorno's hands so he can heal himself. Trish has some self-doubt issues, this is shown by how she ask Bruno, while they are in the elevator to give Trish to Diavolo if her father will like her. Trish has shown to be able to take care of herself before she gets a Stand, she takes Narancia's knife from him when he's pointing it at her and threatens him with it.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how Spice Girl is a Stand that talks and will tell Trish what to do, which shows while Trish may be a Stand user, she still needs help. The plus and divide symbols on Spice Girl references the fact that Trish is added to the group and divides them from Passione and each other (Fugo doesn't follow them when they betray Passione).

Diavolo being the main villain of the plot has a lot of detail placed into his character. Diavolo's backstory is that he was born after a two year pregnancy from a woman who was in a female only prison, there were no males anywhere in the prison not even as staff, since he couldn't be raised in prison he was adopted by a priest who lived in a small village, when the priest saw Diavolo with a woman on Diavolo's eighteenth birthday he decided to build a garage for him, but when he got digging under Diavolo's room he found Diavolo's mother with her mouth sewn shut, later that day the entire village was burnt to the ground and everyone died except for Diavolo, some point after this, he had a relationship with Donatella Una, the person who would become Trish's mother, while this was happening he went under the alias, Solido Naso, he eventually left her so he could form Passione, unaware of the fact that she was pregnant until she died of a disease.

Diavolo is someone who wants nobody to know about his identity or his brutality, this is why he used an alias when dating Donatella and why he burnt down the village that he lived in after the priest found his mother. Diavolo also has a lot of pride stating that King Crimson is invincible and by the fact that Diavolo places himself above humanity. Diavolo is unable to understand people's emotions or morals because of his life of secrecy and his pride which is shown when he doesn't see how angry Bruno is when he tried to kill Trish and Diavolo just assumed that Bruno wanted to kill him so he could be in charge of Passione. Diavolo has shown to respect people who Diavolo considers strong and resourceful like Bruno or Risotto. Despite Diavolo's brutality he still has a sense of morality which is shown by how much he hates both Ciocolata and Secco stating that they are complete monsters and he only keeps them around since they are a powerful duo who can protect him. Diavolo is different from the main characters by how he doesn't fight fate, he embraces it by stating everything that goes right for him is a gift from fate and if anything goes wrong he thinks that fate wishes to test him, yet despite his insistence of fate controlling him he completely ignores the fact of his own death, which is why his fate of being placed in the infinite death loop by Gold Experience Requiem is so appropriate because he will always be reminded of the fact that he will die but he has the immortality he always wished for.
A Stand is a part of its user's soul, so you can tell several things about the user's personality, an example being how King Crimson erasing time is a reference to how Diavolo states that only the results matter but this is also used as a flaw because Diavolo wishes to erase his past, but he can only change the future just like how everyone else can only change their future, not their past. His ability to see into the future shows that he has become more cunning in his adult life.

The minor character that the main characters have to fight all act with enough diversity to stand out as their own individual characters, from the brotherly bond that Prosciutto and Pesci share, Ghiaccio's respect for the strength of some of his opponents and Ciocolata and Secco's disturbing fascination with inflicting pain on other people. All of the opponents act with the brutality that a gangster would be expected to do, an example being after Prosciutto ages Mista to an old man, he shoots him three times in the head to make sure that he is actually dead with Mista only surviving because Sex Pistols stopped the bullets from going too deep into his brain.

All of these are good characters that have been given great backstories which relate to their character's personality and actions, the characters have good interactions with each other and their opponents, no of the characters are stereotypes in any way, shape or form and every character is given enough time for us to really understand their character and the way they subtly use their Stands as a way to show off the facets of their personality is genius.

Define the audience/ Target demographic

The Game is aimed at fans of the series, the series is aimed at 18+ males. This is shown by how there is a scene where a man is cut up into several pieces and each piece is placed inside of a frame of a picture.

How is that audience addressed?

The audience is addressed by the game replicating the manga's art style and by replicating the manga's story, with everybody acting in character. Another way the audience is addressed is in most cut scenes aside from the important ones, like when Diavolo is killed, the game is stylised like the manga and it even replicates some of the panels in the manga, like Polpo's death. 

The chosen games genre analysed

The genre that this game falls under is a 3D beat 'em up, like Devil May Cry or God of War, the things we expect from games in this genre are upgradeable weapons, multiple enemies to beat up, a few bosses that you have to fight, a fair amount of exploration that results in rewards that raise the character's stats, a ranking system that shows how good you are at the game ,the ability to combo enemies to deal with them easily, not much of a story and having multiple weapons or playable characters. This game has no upgrades, only bosses fights, the only exploration being the secret factors, a ranking system based on how much health you have and how many secret factors you get, a lack of any combos, a good story that is constantly changing and having multiple playable characters that all play completely different to each other.

The genre has changed over the years to have a more fluid combat system, more stylised combat scenarios, a bigger emphasis on the visuals and a bigger emphasis on story. This game doesn't have a fluid combat system or at least not like most beat 'em up games, it does have stylised combat scenarios, it does have a big emphasis on visual and it does have a big emphasis on telling the manga's story.


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