
I spent today creating the layout of my stage today. I decided to make the first stage a stage where you can't attack enemies so it will be a bigger platforming challenge rather than attacking. To that end, I was going to make it so the enemy bullets stay in place so there will be a bigger challenge since the enemies are chasing you, however, somehow the problem fixed itself and the bullets actually travel towards the player.

One issue that I had was that one of my platforms would disappear and for a short while I wasn't able to figure out why it disappeared, however, I was able to figure it out. The problem was that the platform had gravity on it so it fell through the map when you start the stage. To fix this I just removed the rigid body component that was attached to the platform.

The next thing I did was download assets of enemy spaceships. I intend to use them as enemies in later stages, however, I chose to use one as a platform that will occasionally shoot into the air which will damage the player if it hits them. I did this by giving them a Polygon Collider 2D meaning that any object that touches won't phase through it.

One issue that I had was that the enemies only fire one bullet before removing the bullet prefab from their menu. I placed the prefab into the assets and put it into the enemies so that they are calling on an asset that can be called upon multiple times instead of just once.


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