Unit 35 & 36: Assignment 1
Unit 35
& 36: Assignment 1
Task 1
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
automatically assigns a computer an IP address so that they can be
logged into an IP network. The IP address is temporary and will be changed
the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, however, it can be kept
permanently unless another system has the same IP address.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to convert names into a
numerical IP address. It is used to turn the URL into an IP address for that
website. If you didn't have DNS the URL for your website you would have to
type in four numbers and multiple dots to get to that website.
The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is
the most widely used communications
protocol. The TCP/IP prepares and is able to forward data packets over a
network, an example being an Ethernet. This is the UNIX standard, the
protocol of the Internet and the global standard for local and wide area
networks, the major exception being the traditional networks of the telephone
A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely
used method to monitor networks and control protocols. It is used to process
reports from both hardware and software that are sent to a workstation
console that is used to oversee the network. This information is then
contained by the Management Information Base (MIB) which is used to
define all the obtained information.
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer files with
an IP network. This is used so that HTML files can be uploaded to a web
server and be viewed by other people on other computers.
The World Wide Web (WWW) is used as a common hostname that is
used by web servers. It is a way to tell if it is a website that can be
trusted, however, it is not required to have if you want to upload an HTML
file to a web server.
An Open System Interconnection (OSI) is the standard communications that define the framework for
implementing protocols on all seven of the layers. The control is transferred
from one layer down to another layer.
Proxy Server/Proxy Address
The Proxy Server/Proxy Address also
known as "proxy," it is a computer system or a router that can
break the connection between both the sender and the receiver. It functions
as a relay between the client and the server, the proxy servers help to
prevent an attacker from invading a private network. It is one of several
tools that are used to build a firewall.
Task 2
Users on a website are people who use or possibly contribute on a
website. There are several different types of websites that people can
contribute to like Wikipedia or social media websites like Twitter or Facebook.
There are different types of websites that are designed for users of varying
expertise, there is the expert user who has used the website for several years
on a regular basis, the occasional user who has used the website enough times
to understand how it works but don't use it all that often and the novice user
who is new to the website and what it can be used for.
The Special Needs are things that can be changed by users so that
they are able to use the website properly. An example being the ability to
change the brightness so that people who suffer from epilepsy won’t suffer from
seizures when they are exposed to bright lights on the websites.
Psychological aspects of websites are how a user might positively
or negatively affect a user who is using a website such as things like colours
how a website is organised or the images that can have several different effects
on different people dependant on them as a person. Examples being the colours
that blend in together which wouldn’t be easy to read for people so websites
often make backgrounds colour and the text colour that contrast with each other
such as a white background and black text so the text is much easier to read.
There is also the space that is used to make the website easier to read by not
forcing too much information onto one page which can make the page crowded, a
way this can be done is inserting an image into a page so it can be space out
the page.
People can use websites for education purposes such as a teacher
setting an assignment or creating a quiz for students to work on and allow the
teacher to see the results and grade them.
Site Analysis
Websites are built for a purpose. There are several
different purposes a website can be made to fulfil. Websites can update in real
time based upon new information that has been added, news websites do this since
it is important to give the users of the website the latest information that
can be given. Websites such as Twitter and Facebook are used to share
information about the user so that friends, family and other people can see it.
Education websites are used to educate people on multiple different subjects
for free such as Wikipedia there are also websites that have quizzes that are
used to help people learn by testing there knowledge and giving them the
correct answers back. Websites can be made to commercialise products so that
they can be sold to the customers such as Amazon and Argos where you can see
products and see the price of these products so that they are easy to buy,
there are also websites that are used to allow regular people to sell their own
things online to other an example of this is eBay. Websites made for
entertainment often allow people to share content to entertain others, an
example being YouTube where people can make and upload videos so that people
can see them.
Search Engines are used for someone to search for something on a
website, there are also websites that are dedicated to just be a search engine
like Google and Bing or search engines are used on websites to help the user navigate
the website like on eBay or Wikipedia. Search Engines uses keywords to search
for things such as the name of product or the brand.
text is text that is placed over an image which can be used when an image link
is unavailable or if the URL is broken or changed. If the image is gone then
the alternative text is used to give a small description of the image where the
image once was.
several websites, there are ways to increase the size of fonts so that people
who have bad eyesight are able to read text easier. While I do think this is
useful, however, the symbol that is used to increase the size of the font is
also too small so people who have bad eyesight might not be able to see it. It
also isn't on many websites.
Readers is a software program that helps people how are hard of seeing, are
visually impaired or can’t read as well to be able to understand what is
written. A screen reader will read off the text out load through the speaker. There
is also the ability to change the voice of the reader so that they can be more
clearly understood. Examples of this type of software are ClaroRead Pro.
Adjustable Fonts are when website give the users the ability to
change the size, font, face or even the family based upon the preference or
needs of the user. These are mainly implemented on websites that have a lot of
text on it so that people are actually able to read what has been written down
on the websites.
Disability Discrimination Act is a law preventing people from
rejecting people from job applications based upon their disabilities such as
banning a blind person from getting a job interview, not allowing a guide dog
into the building, failing to make changes so that the disabled person can work
and harassing or victimising them within the work place.
W3C Validation (Short for World Wide Web Consortium Validation)
are rules that must be followed when creating a website. The W3C is checking
the coding and if you’re using elements of coding correctly. This could be
placing HTML elements in the wrong place or it is missing from the code. If
these rules are disobeyed then you will be given a detailed report about the
coding errors that have been made.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights are made to help
companies or artists protect their works of art. An intellectual property is a
character, series, song or name that is protected by copyright so that anyone
who uses it without the rights holders consent or paying royalties to the
rights holder. If neither of these is done then the rights holder can sue the
person who used their intellectual property because they broke copyright law.
An intellectual property will become free to use by anyone after the original
creator has died and fifty years have passed.
Shopping Cart on a website is used to allow someone to register multiple orders
when ordering from an online website. Users are also able to reserve an order
by ordering it online and going into one of their stores to pick it up, this is
used when the person is busy and isn't at home where deliveries are made.
User Profiles is when someone wishes to change the information that has been
placed on their profile. This is done by the person who owns the profile. On
profiles like Facebook the information that can be changed are pictures, the
age of the user, which country lives in and even the user’s birthday. This is
also used on websites where people can sell things to other such as eBay where
this information is important since it will tell others whether or not they
need to pay more for shipping.
Contents Management is when an employee is payed to examine a website works
properly after it is created and put up online. An example being checking if
things like images and videos load properly, if the website is formatted
correctly so that they are easy to read. After they find a problem with the
website then they can fix the problems with the website. They can also write on
the website to improve or add new information that was not available when the
website was originally created. They also send out emails, newsletters,
promotions and online campaigns.
Uploading files are when someone can upload a file to a website to help improve
it. These files are mainly images, gifs and video files which can be used to
improve the visual side of a website. This is mostly done by someone who works
on the website, however, social media sites or websites that allow someone who
has created an account may upload files, such as a profile picture.
Server Side refers to the actions that take place on the web server. The coding
that is done server side is separate from anything that is done Client Side or
the side that is seen when visiting the web site from outside of the web server.
Active Server Pages (ASP) is a simplified version of server side
scripting. Someone who usually has access to the Client Side can request the
web page from the Server Side and the Server sends the file to the Client Side.
When Active Server Pages, the server is allowed the chance to alter the file
before it is sent to the Client. ASP.NET is an app that is given by Microsoft.
This allows you to create web-based apps using any .NET coding languages such
as C#, VB.NET and J#.
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an HTML coding language. The
difference between something like JavaScript and PHP is that JavaScript is
executed on the server and generates HTML which is sent to the Client Side.
User Accounts are for users to sign into so that they can play on
or edit things using their account. To be able to log in to your user account
you have put in your username and password. If you have forgotten either one of
those then you are able to reset your password by having the website send a
link to your email address or mobile phone which allows you to reset your
password, alternatively they might give you a temporary password to use which
you are able to change after you login. Examples of this include all social media
websites like Facebook and Twitter or other websites like YouTube.
Terms of Usage are the terms that a site can oppose all of their
users who have an account. If these rules are disobeyed then there might be
legal issues. These rules can include multiple different laws such as explaining
that the website is not liable if you are hacked, the misuse that you might do
and the privacy policy.
Account restrictions are used primarily for a service that has an age rating
system like a video game console or an online service like Netflix. This mainly
used to make sure that younger children are unable to view content that would
be too mature for them.
Procedures for granting and removing access are when someone with more power on
a website, like a creator or someone who has administration privilege, they can
grant users the ability to edit web pages or even change a person's access,
they can also remove a person's access by removing their ability to edit the
website or even ban them from the site entirety. The procedures for doing this
is based on their dedication to the website and their attitude towards others
on the website.
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